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Can Your Staff "Talk the Walk?" Bringing Coherence to Your Disitrict


Educational research has confirmed that high-performing districts across the country (and internationally) have 1) Focus, 2) Feedback loops in place, 3) Aligned behaviors, practices and systems, and most importantly, 4) Coherence. Nearly every educational leader understands the importance of focusing on a few key initiatives or goals, providing opportunities for feedback during the implementation stages, and aligning time, talent, and resources to maximize efforts and minimize distractions. However, to move a school or district from achieving or high achieving to world class, we must evolve from a solely Walk the Talk culture where staff and stakeholders can model and implement the desired behaviors and practices to all-encompassing Talk the Walk culture, where staff and stakeholders not only implement, but are engaged, empowered, and understand the why and how their execution impacts the entire mission and vision of the district. This level of transformation requires a deeper approach of engagement, communications, messaging, collaboration, and planning.

Our strategic planning process not only ensures this seamless transformation, but also provides school leaders with the tools and resources necessary to launch, implement, and monitor the plan to success. Our tools include 1) a comprehensive survey for staff, parents, students and community members, 2) protocols for Focus Groups and Feedback Forums, 3) a communications toolkit, 4) coherency model and 5) an implementation guide. 

Engagement, communications, strategy, and implementation are the cornerstones of our process and coherence is our ultimate goal. Ensuring coherence of the strategic plan will guarantee much deeper reflection, implementation, and execution which in return, will deliver even better performance and results. Recently, we had nearly 400 stakeholders participate in Focus Groups and Feedback Forums. When stakeholders and staff members thoroughly understand the why, how, and what in schools, true magic can happen.

Our team is made up of superintendents who have led high performing schools, strategic planning in their own district, as well as strategic planning for other districts and national communications and marketing experts who have worked specifically in education. Our comprehensive approach is also adaptive and flexible which allows us to meet our districts wherever they may be in the strategic planning process, either just starting out, needing communications and/or branding support, identifying metrics, or to launch

The strategic planning process is more than just building a plan. It’s about engaging shareholders, developing strategies based on evidence and research, and bringing the plan to life.  Our approach does all this and empowers teams with systems, structures, and tools to sustain its impact.

For more information go the Epic Impact Ed Group Website.

Dr. Bobby Moore has spent more than 25 years in education as a teacher, principal and superintendent. As President & CEO of EPIC Impact Education Group, he partners with schools and professional associations across the country to implement high-growth strategies, professional learning for leaders, strategies for creating high performing and positive cultures, as well as keynoting at conferences and school districts. 


Bobby Moore